Monday, July 13, 2009

Sigma DP1 Review

If any one is interested in purchasing a digital camera, the Sigma DP1 is one great camera to consider purchasing. Just recently the Sigma DP2 has been released, but in my opinion the price difference wouldn't serve the cameras performance until it hits the $400 range. I own the sigma DP1 digital camera and I must say that it takes truly wonderful pictures. The Foveon 14 megapixel sensor provides stunning image quality. The picture directly below this post is an example of this cameras great capabilities. There will be a video shortly so that I could give a more in-depth review of this camera.
Here is a link showing you the camera:
Sigma DP1 14MP Digital Camera

This picture is one of the first ones I have taken with this camera. Go ahead and click on the image^ to see the great quality it provides. If anyone would like to see more pictures, comment below!

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